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Inclusive by Design

Lions Awards ()
Bronze Lion : Creative Effectiveness
Gold Lion : Creative Strategy
When Mastercard and McCann debuted “Priceless” in 1997, the campaign captured people’s hearts with a breakthrough idea: in a world of conspicuous consumption, what really matters are the things that money can’t buy—like taking your child to their first game at the ballpark.
Five years ago, Mastercard and McCann realized that to continue to deliver on “Priceless,” the brand platform could not ignore the 1.4 billion people globally excluded from the financial system due to discrimination, exploitation and more. With financial inclusion now central to Mastercard’s brand purpose, “Priceless” has evolved beyond messaging into groundbreaking product innovations, tools and platforms.
Among them: the “True Name” card allowing transgender individuals to have their real names inscribed on their credit cards, the “Touch Card” system that lets sight-impaired consumers to distinguish their credit, debit and pre-paid cards by touch, the “Sibstar” card giving those with dementia financial freedom with enhanced security protections, and the Cannes Lions Grand Prix and Titanium-honored “Where to Settle” tool that helps Ukrainian refugees in Poland find the idea areas to make their new homes and the new “Where to Start” tool that helps to create a symbiotic financial ecosystem between the businesses of resettled Ukrainian refugees and their Polish neighbors.
While the campaigns have been life-changing for millions, they have also been a game-changer for Mastercard’s business, raising revenue 67% and increasing brand value 56% since 2018. They also expanded the brand’s global base of cardholders and expanded the profile of Mastercard’s B2B technology division.
Creative Strategy
Financial Services
McCann XBC