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Good Day Cookies

The Cleft Cookie

Brittania’s Good Day, India’s largest cookie brand, is known for celebrating smiles. Each biscuit is imprinted with a different grin—dimpled, wide, smirking and more. The brand realized however, that there was one smile it hadn’t yet recognized—that of those born with a cleft lip.
In the country, over 35,000 children are born with the condition and face discrimination. On World Smile Day in October 2023, Good Day introduced the Cleft Cookie, featuring a cleft smile baked on its ridges. It added the new design to its manufacturing process and produced 360 Million+ cookies in its first batch. It even changed the smile in its logo to mirror the new addition to the lineup, and an online activation featured custom cookie stickers.
As part of the campaign, Good Day partnered with Smile Train, the leading NGO supporting those with clefts. The partnership comprised inclusivity workshops at more than 150 schools across 14 districts.
Truth Well Told: By addressing the missing smile from its own lineup, Brittania’s Good Day saw an enormous response from consumers. India embraced the Cleft Cookie and the campaign received 14.2 million views online and over 3 million digital impressions on social media.
Good Day Cookies
Brand Experience & Activation
Health & Wellness
Food & Drinks
McCann Worldgroup India